Friday, August 18, 2006

Surviving the storm

Lee: "my paper evacuated without me....I stayed at [NOLA] City Hall which gave me easy access to the 9th ward in the aftermath"

Williams: "our transmitter was knocked off during the broacast coverage forced us to build a regional network of cable and other stations retransmitting us around the one left in NOLA had power or cable, so we better served by reporting to those who evacuated"

Mack: "it was clear to us in Houston that we would be a second home for those who needed immediate housing"

Dade: " we wanted to set the tone for what would come next......we wanted to find a clear picture of the redevelopment"

"as national media fatigue [of Katrina] set in, the sales pitch to editors became harder.....I had to tell them it's not over just because the water's gone"

Malveaux:[with the President at his ranch in Crawford, TX during the storm]"we kept asking administration officials if there would be a schedule change or would we still travel to LA....there was an obvious disconnect"

Monroe" growing up on the MS Coast watching hurricanes you know which ones don't feel right, this was one of them".

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